Little behind on the blog, but I'll catch you up. Remember to subscribe if you want to be notified when I post new entries about summers in Provo. I almost feel like I should be starting out each post with a, "Dear Diary."
Wednesday, July 16th
Taylor's (guy in the ward) old mission companion was visiting Provo from Australia. On his last night in Happy Valley, Taylor planned a big bonfire on Utah Lake as a mission reunion + ward party. I'm not sure where the flats came for the fire, but it was sick. Someone blasted their radio from the truck for people to dance. There were even a few fireworks. This is what I think of when I think of summer. Well done Provo.
Thursday, July 17th
I miss voice lessons. It's been too long. I miss choir a little bit too. After work, I took matters into my own hands and found the sheet music in the library of a song I'be been wanting to sing. "Live Out Loud" is from The Little Princess. It is about standing out and working for what you want in life. Love it. I'm sure the HFAC piano geniuses didn't love me belting while plunking out the notes though. Guilty. It was worth it.
Ward temple trip to the temple. Some of the guys were nice enough to drive me. Having a temple so close is such a blessing. I had grown accustom to having the Lord's house so near. Not going to the temple for the whole London trip was a little rough.
Friday, July 18th
Olivia took Luke, Evelyn, and I to her work party at Provo Rec Center. I approve of their fun pool. The orange slide in the picture to the left was thrilling to ride in the dark. There was a drop I did not expect at all. Freaky! The picture on the right is me and Evelyn.
I have been wanting to swim laps recently. The only problem is, I do not think it would be appropriate to go into an intense freestyle with my frilly, red and white heart swimsuit.
Idk how Evelyn got these cool soccer guys to be stickers. She wanted to use the bottom one in a conversation so bad. I set it all up for her a few minutes after she said she wanted to post the meme. It took her a little while to bite since she was concerned that my life was actually, "way hard" and then we burst into giggles.
Where's Mykaela? She is in Hawaii. Her snapchats have become extremely beautiful the last few days. So jealous. Her family goes every other year.
This was also the weekend Melissa came to stay with me. I did not get to see her much, but when I did, it was fun and normal. I miss living with her. Aloha!