Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bonfire Dance Party

Little behind on the blog, but I'll catch you up. Remember to subscribe if you want to be notified when I post new entries about summers in Provo. I almost feel like I should be starting out each post with a, "Dear Diary."

Wednesday, July 16th 
Taylor's (guy in the ward) old mission companion was visiting Provo from Australia. On his last night in Happy Valley, Taylor planned a big bonfire on Utah Lake as a mission reunion + ward party. I'm not sure where the flats came for the fire, but it was sick. Someone blasted their radio from the truck for people to dance. There were even a few fireworks. This is what I think of when I think of summer. Well done Provo.

Thursday, July 17th
I miss voice lessons. It's been too long. I miss choir a little bit too. After work, I took matters into my own hands and found the sheet music in the library of a song I'be been wanting to sing. "Live Out Loud" is from The Little Princess. It is about standing out and working for what you want in life. Love it. I'm sure the HFAC piano geniuses didn't love me belting while plunking out the notes though. Guilty. It was worth it.

Ward temple trip to the temple. Some of the guys were nice enough to drive me. Having a temple so close is such a blessing. I had grown accustom to having the Lord's house so near. Not going to the temple for the whole London trip was a little rough.

Friday, July 18th
Olivia took Luke, Evelyn, and I to her work party at Provo Rec Center. I approve of their fun pool. The orange slide in the picture to the left was thrilling to ride in the dark. There was a drop I did not expect at all. Freaky! The picture on the right is me and Evelyn.
I have been wanting to swim laps recently. The only problem is, I do not think it would be appropriate to go into an intense freestyle with my frilly, red and white heart swimsuit.

Idk how Evelyn got these cool soccer guys to be stickers. She wanted to use the bottom one in a conversation so bad. I set it all up for her a few minutes after she said she wanted to post the meme. It took her a little while to bite since she was concerned that my life was actually, "way hard" and then we burst into giggles.

Where's Mykaela? She is in Hawaii. Her snapchats have become extremely beautiful the last few days. So jealous. Her family goes every other year.

This was also the weekend Melissa came to stay with me. I did not get to see her much, but when I did, it was fun and normal. I miss living with her. Aloha! 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

21st Ward Scavenger Hunt

Monday, July 14th - For FHE our ward had a photo scavenger hunt at the mall. I wasn't sure if it would be fun since scavenger hunts seems a little overdone, but we had tons of fun! Only one person was kicked out of the mall too and he wasn't from our group. We called ourselves the Fantastic Five. We were determined to win, but somehow we fell eighty points behind the winners. I don't trust them. I think they cheated. ;) In the hour we had, our group posted most of our pictures to Instagram and we only missed three from the list.

Pink shoes? Check! I was wearing those before we got to the mall.

With a Statue: Done

We needed to be pointing to a Y. We hit the sign first and then realized it had to be a store. Kay Jewelers was just inside so it wasn't a problem.

Picture with a stranger and a phone booth. This picture was a double kill.

Trendy clothes in Buckle. Actually, it might have been hipster clothes. Either way. ;)

Sunglasses from a kiosk, an exit sign, and sitting on a bench,

We took the bench picture again to prove we were on it. This is me with Becca. Jack took the picture at a funny angle because he couldn't figure out how to get my phone to switch directions.

Business attire! We snuck in and out of this store like spies. The employees didn't even see us.

Something on sale for $9.99.

A security camera. This one was a little risky. It's stuff like this that gets you almost kicked out of the mall. Back in Islands Ward we had a young women activity that ended with us running away from a security guard on a segway. We weren't caught though.

A penny on the ground. It wasn't really a lucky penny though. Becca has one in her wallet.

Jessica returned at this point with some ice cream.

Then we found a shirt based off a cartoon. The best cartoon and superhero I might add!

On a couch!
Me, Jessica, (This is horrible, but I can't remember this girls name. She isn't in our ward!), &Becca

Sports Attire. We could have used it with how fast we were running around the mall.

Oh movie based off a tv show. The muppets!!

A purple bag. This girl was super weirded out.

Buy 1 Get 1 Free sign. We weren't ever able to find a two for one sign or the word bargain.

A public restroom. They make everyone uncomfortable. 

Something for less than a dollar, a fire alarm, and a fire extinguisher.

Free Samples! Jessica is great at finding free stuff.

I'm not sure what the requirement was for this picture.... Maybe a children's clothing store.

On a ride. Okay we could not find a little kids ride ANYWHERE. You have to admit this is a sick ride though and we are children at heart. 

Finally a picture of all five of us. This one was, "sitting at a table in the food court." The guy taking the picture was so slow and then asked for a funny one. We had already jumped up and thanked him though. I don't think he realized we were on a time schedule.

Jessica had this one from when she ran to get ice cream and samples. Pretzel Store.

Becca bought some delicious Cold Stone Ice Cream after the points were tallied. Jack drove us back to the patio where everyone talked for a little bit before going home. Successful FHE.

Life As A Minority

Evelyn learned about a girl in BYU's SOAR program that would be in Provo a few days early and needed a place to stay. The last few days our apartment has been extremely empty; only Olivia, Evelyn, and I have been home. Evelyn agreed to have the girl come stay with us for two nights. Fatma is from Sudan, but has lived in the States for the last nine years. She was so energetic and fun. I love getting to know prospective BYU students. They are filled with hopes, dreams, goals, determination, and excitement. Honestly, I was that girl two years ago. I feel so blessed looking at where I have come in such a short amount of time. 

Saturday, July 11th - I found a box of pudding in my box of food left over from winter semester. I have no recollection of where this pudding came from since I did not buy it.You know what I think of when I think of pudding though? Cake! Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake! Probably my favorite cake. I told Olivia and Evelyn that I would make them this cake if they could find a bundt pan. No one in our apartment owns one. Olivia returned a few minutes later with a pan. Do not doubt Olivia's determination and connections. I made this beauty right before our guest arrived. It was delicious, by the way.

Olivia was making fun of how much I snapchat (completely justified because I love it), so she jumped into a picture with me. It was too cute to send to someone else so I kept it for myself.

Sunday, July 12th - Going to church on campus has always struck me as funny. Today we were let out of Relief Society ten minutes early because there was a fire drill in the Wilk. Only at BYU. At least we had time for one of the coolest object lessons I have ever seen and received Visiting Teaching companions and girls to teach. I want a calling so bad, but this will do for now. I already love all the girls I am with and can't wait to know them better.

That evening we decided to go on a walk. The new Life Sciences Building was open so we explored its uncharted stairways and classrooms. I thought it felt like a hospital. Olivia thought it was too big and did not efficiently use the space. I doubt I ever have a class in here.

Why would you "break" into a building and not have a photo shoot? This is about the time I realized how much of a minority I was. They teased me about it most of the time. I feel so cool.
Left to right: Fatma, Angela, Evelyn, Olivia

This door... there is no glass.
Me and Evelyn

Why is this stairway gated off? No one knows.

Olivia, Angela, Fatma, and Me :D

After our time at the LSB, we went to the duck pond. Cute baby ducks, turtles, and little kids can be found around this dirty water. Olivia also saw a man who looked just like his dog. Funny how that happens.

I love chalk and I love BYU. If Fatma didn't want to come to BYU before our adventures and the SOAR program, she does now! We spent that evening of our Jane Austen kick watching Persuasions. It ended with all of us yelling at the screen and freaking out. College <3

It started as Harry Potter spells, but the Batman Board has turned into a quotes board that hangs on my lamp. Hope and I don't see each other too often, but we always leave a new note for the other to find. So far we have quoted Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pride & Prejudice, and Twilight. I love having roommates.

Monday, July 13th - Look who is going to EFY! Brynna and I met up during my lunch hour to explore campus before she checked into EFY. I feel like I have not seen her in forever. We had fun walking around south of campus and then running into the Browns. Joelle and Dillon are so great. I love that they are married. I need to go see their new apartment! I told Brynna it might only be a year and a half till she is engaged too. ;)

 I met a girl through Evelyn's friend named Taylor. She recently transferred to BYU and has been wanting to go on adventures like me. We were planning on going to this small worlds fair at the Museum of People and Cultures after I got out of work, but then she got sick. I still went and it was worth it!

I didn't know this place existed until the end of Winter Semester and this was the first time I have been. The event represented at least six different countries. Each booth had native food, the flag, a map, stats, pictures, and sometimes objects from the country. Each was explained by someone from that country. There crafts and games for little kids too. On the way out I grabbed a shaved ice which made me sorely miss my friends and Bahama Bucks back home. It wasn't as good. ;)