Sunday, May 4, 2014

General Conference Weekend

Crepe Party! Saturday Morning Amber, Miranda, and Sam all came over and made crepes with Melissa and I. Miranda and Sam stayed for conference and watched it with us. Crepes are delicious. We had tons of toppings and Sam was way good at flipping them out of the pan. Amber and Melissa both went to afternoon session up in Salt Lake. Miranda stayed and partied with me. She even came back the next day and brought her roommate and her roommate's fiance. It was a good time. I love General Conference. The prophet and apostles always say the best stuff.

In between sessions Miranda and I cam across this gem. It's her and Valerie in Children of Eden at CGCC. We realized she played Valerie's mom last year. Small world. 

Monday was lunch with Amber at the Cannon Center. She has a meal plan and it's getting toward the end of the year so she was nice enough to take me. So. Much. Food. I'm so glad I live in Heritage and not Helaman. Eating at the Cannon Center is fine, but you just want all the desserts.

I think it was Saturday in between sessions we played volleyball with some kids in the ward. Here some action shots of the game. We would rotate in and the people not playing lounged on the grass or played pick up games of soccer.

Lastly, here is the selfie from our Relief Society night during the Priesthood Session of Conference. We ate a whole lot of treats and watched The Lizzie McQuire Movie. At the end of the night we even had a bit of a dance party to old songs. I wish we did more stuff like this as a Relief Society. It was way fun. The girls in our ward our awesome. I feel like I barely got to know them and now it seems most everyone is going on a mission. Hooray for activities like this. 

1 comment:

  1. It's such a small world. Who would have thought that your roommate sophomore year would be Valerie's mom. :) It's almost like a riddle/joke....
