Sunday, September 22, 2013

Supper Time

Spontaneous Saturday Night jamming sesh with Jenni and Melissa in the basement of Carroll Hall. The piano is out of tune, but we had fun playing and singing random choir songs and hymns. This was around midnight... and then a "porta-party" came and flash mobbed a dance party in the first floor lobby when we were done. It was unexpected and super fun.
I couldn't resist. This was walking to work Monday morning I believe.... #Belle

I can't remember who I snap chatted this to, but it seemed super dramatic and cool so I took a screen shot. Here ya go. I'm an artist. ;)
If you follow me on Instagram you will know of the battle I am having with Utah weather and my "smart" phone. The weather app declared a perfectly sunny day and it was raining when I walked out the door. Not just sprinkling, but real rain. Tuesday I was on my way to Book of Mormon and it suddenly started hailing on me. HAILING!!!! I don't think I've ever walked in hail. Hallelujah for my batman umbrella that saved the day! If I wasn't carrying it, it would have been pretty painful.

Saw some awkward teenage ducks south of campus on Thursday. It was one of my alternate routes to tap. I'm also working backstage for a mask club of "Seussical the Musical." Being part of a show brings so much joy. <3 Operating the lift is cool too. I didn't realize there was a storage room under the Nelke stage until they lowered the lift through the floor. The only encounter I've had with a moving stage is seeing "Lion King" on Broadway. 

This alternate route didn't prove to be too successful. Here is a walking lane next to a bike lane next to a car lane. I found it humorous. This adventure to the RB ended with climbing through a bush and over a fence. 

Cleaning check this weekend. Preparing for it wasn't too bad and the only note we had was to scrub the back splash more. Those grease stains are probably 20 years old and I doubt they will come off all the way, but we tried.

Everyone is a fan of the chocolate chocolate chip cookies. I made them for all the girls in Relief Society 1 last Sunday and for work on Friday. I may have made them once before that too. My roommates love them and I should just make them for us sometime cause they are always bummed that I'm giving them away. Jenni will also be sad to learn that I blogged instead of making brownies during her nap. Maybe next week :)

You want to work in Imaging. Imaging is where the fun is. Friday was Brooke's last day so she got a pinata!

After Brooke bashed it open we all helped pick up the candy and put it in green bucket that will be in the office to eat. :) Friday we also had a potluck lunch with the rest of the administration building and processing gave out brownies! Free food is the best.

A free upgrade to Power and a package?!?!?! It is an excellent feeling

Inside the package! Mom sent all the socks I forgot and some seasonal candy. As roommates we decided we need to decorate more and this will help with Halloween and Thanksgiving. I miss holiday decorations already.

Tyler, Marie, and I before the game. We're a happenin' bunch. Quiet the party-ers. ;) #homework

Becca and I got pretzels before the game! We waited in line from  3:30ish to 6 and then another two hours in the stadium before the game started. Kennen wanted to be in our picture.

This was the coolest. It just flew up over everyone on that side of the stands. I don't even know how. :O
Wardies! We had a great time even though Utah won. D':

It was my Sunday to be in charge of dinner so I thought I would make some breakfast too.

So I was really proud of my delicious dinner. It was probably the first time we could sit down to eat, but Joelle wasn't even there! Living with roommates is the best. Now if we could only find time to go to sleep....

Late for a musical fireside and then skyping AZ to watch Joey open his call. There are never enough hours in the day. Time to wake up my roommates. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job with your delicious dinner and it even has nice presentation. Can't beat the chocolate chocolate chip cookies. Glad you are having fun at work. Let me know what you need in the next package :)
