Saturday, February 28, 2015

An Evening with Sutton Foster

Last year I got Megan a signed picture of Sutton Foster for her birthday. I had to beat her surprise party at Les Mis rehearsal for me. The picture came really late, but it was AWESOME! We both love Sutton Foster so much. She is part of the reason we do theatre. Now imagine me when I hear that SUTTON FOSTER is coming to do a show at BYU.

Megan and Laura came to stay with me the first weekend of September to hear Sutton. She was incredible. I wish I could be as talented as her in every way. Laura had just started at Utah State and Megan was a month away from turning 16. We had so much to talk about. I love having Laura so much closer. I can't wait for the theatre company we will all have together some day. Thanks Sutton Foster. You rock.

Women's Volleyball Game Story: Rachel and I were standing on the floor before the game started. Cosmo was walking around doing his thing and then he saw us waiting for the game to start. We might have cheered at a backflip or something, because all of a sudden he was moving the barriers to come sit with us. I should have saved the snapchat. I took a video of Cosmo moving the little fence that separates the court. The script on the video said, 
"Cosmo breaks barriers to be with me."

Our group for TMA202 rehearsing. Each group was assigned a type of theatre to present. Our group was Japanese Noh Theatre. It is not my favorite type of performance, but we killed it. I attribute most of that to Leah's sweet costumes. She had just gotten back from serving in Japan and had connections to everything we needed to make the piece authentic.

TMA202 was fun because I had it with Miranda, Rachel, Heidi, and Margaret. Professor Livingston always looked like she walked out of a hip Pinterest board. I wish I could have her style. Huzzah for theatre classes bringing people together.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Sophomore Year Begins

I have all this guilt about not keeping up with the blog Fall 2014. Although I do have a few pictures of highlights, I was just so busy I did not have time to adequately document this wonderful semester. The blog is back to being a priority! As I catch up, know that almost everyday was a blessing. I loved this semester so much. Here is a little bit about September.
Football games. Our season started off so strong. Siri even said her favorite football team was BYU when you asked her because we were nationally ranked. That all went downhill during the Utah State game though. A handful of guys got really hurt. When Taysom Hill was injured, we knew the season was over. It was fun while it lasted.

Making pie with Emmy. Kris brought us a ton of apples from her garden, so we treated the office. I can't remember if there was any other occasion. Emmy's recipes are so good.

I really like this picture. This soccer game was really empty, but it was good and we ended up hanging out with Cosmo for a bit. 

Miranda is so much fun as a roommate. Our room is crazy fun (and messy). The picture on the right was taken at a stake social at Kiwanas Park. A bunch of stake leaders are in this old man rock band. They were surprisingly good. 

Work Story: I do not wear the Batman shirt from the above picture a ton. I like it though. I walked into work wearing it, probably on the Friday this picture was taken, and Mykaela said something about it not being my style. It led to a funny conversation about how my style is much more cutesy and then everyone in the office turning on Mykaela because she does not like Batman.... What???

Look at this glorious tomato. It looks like a pumpkin! Three cheers for Kris bringing us so much food from her garden. I love tomatoes. 

Emmy is not a scanning error. Heheh

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Midway Swiss Days

August 29th & 30th is Midway Swiss Days. Several girls from the ward piled into cars and went up the canyon to check it out. Swiss Days is a mix of an art festival and marketplace with entertainment. I love events like this. It made me really miss Camden Market in London.
Speaking of London, guess who I ran into! Justyne was at the festival with her family and we could not talk long. It was great seeing someone from London though. 

Not quite sure if all of this food is really "Swiss," but it claims to be. Maybe it is the Swiss cheese on the sandwich? ;)

Midway is a cute town. I am surprised how active it is for being so small. The architecture also has a heavy influence from... Switzerland? Even the LDS Church buildings look unique in this town.

No one bought very much, but it was a good time. Yay tent city!
Left to right: Joanna, Liz, and I in the back on the way home. Jessica rocks for telling us about the festival and bringing us along.

And now for a very sad story....
September 6th - I was on a grocery shopping trip with Mykaela, Leilani, and Emmy. Our first stop was Target. My phone had been acting weird for several days. It would turn off or the buttons would stop working. After checking out of Target, my phone turned off and never turned back on. I don't know what happened!!! I was so frustrated, and then my new debit card didn't work. Can you saw hot mess? I was a wreck. I didn't know what to do without money or communication. Thank goodness my coworkers are so sweet. My stress level sky-rocketed with how frustrated I was. 

News Flash: There is not an Apple Store in Utah County. Oh happy valley.... The Simply Mac Store could not help.  I had to take a trip to Murray, just to be told they did not have my phone and would have to come back once they had one shipped in. It could not be shipped to my house and the Iphone 6 was coming out, backing up all other orders.
 Over two weeks of being phone-less was liberating. but soooo annoying when everyone expects you to be on the grid. I also felt bad I did not have my own car to take care of all of these errands.

Half a month later, Miranda and I made it to Murray to pick up my new phone. At last!! She is a gem.