Sunday, March 23, 2014

Finishin Out February

The weekend continues with President's Day = NO SCHOOL! We were super excited to hike bridal falls but it was closed. We ended up at the mall instead. Here we are too cheap to pay for our own photo booth. 
Look at our cute matchiness!

Melissa believed it.

Exhausting Hike ;)

That night we made a bunch of desserts and threw a combined birthday for Sam, Melissa, and Me. :)

Cake by me, decorating by Marie.

The cake Melissa made!
Happy 19th Birthday to us!

February 18th. Marie and I found our way to the Museum of Paleontology at BYU for my Geology class. On the way we stopped at this cute gazebo outside the Hinckley Building.

Yum. Lunch.
Just kidding. I thing this one was the savage dinosaur, so obviously they're related.

For Laura Jones. :)

I think I told her she couldn't touch it. She proceeded to hug it.

Hanging out with my Long-necked friend. 

Walking home!
Semester Two at BYU. Love you all!

February 19th = The pianos are here! Melissa and I played the first chord on the 4th floor music room piano. Before they arrived our music room was empty.

Nap Party. College Life. 

This is my friend Emmy. She sits across from me at work. Apparently she is a model too since these posters were all over campus. ;)

Dear Professor Stice, Thank you for including all the "What's Up Doc?" references. Here is Eunice Burns. :)

February 20th. Sitting in the 11th row at a BYU game thanks to Jeremy!

<3 Jenni and I <3

Another win for BYU!
Jeremy, Me, and Jenni.

February 21st Welsh Choir with Marie to see our friend Miranda!
Then we got free tickets to the Music Dance Theatre recital. Awesome.

Apple Crisp. We have tasty Saturdays sometimes... where we try a new dessert. :) This one was great. Marie and I made it while watching Cinderella Three.

Sunday Dinner by Same, but here is Melissa posing with the homemade tortillas we were frying. One of Melissa's favorite pass times is posing with food.

I don't even know what this is... but it was sitting in the JKB on February 24th.

Later that day we went to play outside. Spring is coming! 
jk this was a trick spring. It got super cold a couple days after this, but the sun was fun while it lasted.


February 25th - Sometimes you walk into your room and there are rose petals and knives lying on the counter. Frankly, I wasn't surprised. This describes us too well.

'Nuff Said. Accounting 200 on February 27th.

February 27th - We got free cake! Yay for Melissa being the RS President so we get left overs after activities.

And with that we have two months down and two to go for semester two. Disclaimer: these photos aren't always an accurate description of college life. There is a lot more starving, losing sleep, studying, and sitting in class. Who wants to remember that though?? ;)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fantastic February

February 10th We went grocery shopping with all the roommates! (Minus Joelle who was waiting for Dillon to get home.) At Macy's they have soft serve ice cream and who doesn't want to eat ice cream while they shop? Food is good my friends. In college, you often don't get enough.

February 12th
 Look at this classy center piece. Women in Business Meeting I think. We had some excellent speaker come in and talk about embracing the challenges life gives you. I went to an Accounting meeting recently too for being in the top 20% of our class. I was shocked for how well I was doing. It was fun, but I don't plan on changing to accounting.

Afterwards I went to a short Divine Comedy Show. It was Valentines themed and in the Conference Center for all of the Heritage kids. Saw the lovely Amber Nelson there after laughing at song parodies.

February 13th
Art is wonderful. For FHE we took a trip to the Museum of Art on BYU Campus.Right now they have an exhibit called Sacred Gifts. It's a lot of special paintings of the Savior from Europe that have never left where they are usually housed, except this one time. It was such an honor and a blessing to be able to view Carl Bloch's and other famous artists depictions of Chirst on campus.


That's more like it. 
My roommate Melissa with our wonderful neighbor/FHE Ma, Anna Sue.

February 14!
Almost gave me a real heart attack when I ran out the door for work. You done good Relief Society.

Valentine's Day Donuts for all?!?! I think I like being part of processing. ;) Kristen brings us food a lot more than we expected. No complaints!

Excellent border and decorations brought to you by Emily and Madi.

This is too good. Mac wrote a poem about Ben. It might have been the funniest poem I have ever read. See Ben has this thing about celebrating too many parties too close together. With Valentine's on the 14th, his birthday a day after, my birthday a day after that, and then president's day... we had to go all out. Every hour we switch parties. In all we celebrated seven; including gumdrop day, umbrella day, and American pie day.

Transition from Valentine's Day to Ben's birthday.

By the time I had come back to work that afternoon it was time for my party!

I loved all the balloons they blew up while I was in class. Mykayla even made me a picture book.

Later that evening we had a classy dinner date at home. Don't get any ideas, none of us are in love. Marie, Jenni, and I simply wanted to celebrate Valentine's Day in style. Marie went the extra mile making such a delicious and gorgeous meal.

It was served in courses with bread, salad, and lastly chicken Parmesan pasta.

Big Finish! Italian Sodas! Appropriately staying with the color theme.

Jeremy, Marie, Tyler, Jenni, Me, and James.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Just because Valerie was wondering. One day at work we asked silly questions to Siri too.

Making hearts in sacrament meeting. #oragami

I'm likin the new Sunday School teachers. They pulled all the guys to the front of the class to make a human pyramid. They brought candy too.

Ryan explaining why this is like the Abrahamic Covenant. It wasn't the best birthday, but it was still entertaining.

Traditional Mirror Birthday Message. 
19! Here we go!