Sunday, July 6, 2014

America the Beautiful

Provo is an exciting place to be on America's birthday. The whole weekend was filled with activities that are part of the Freedom Festival. 

July 3rd
On Thursday morning I woke up early to see the balloon festival with Anne and Anneli. They are in my new ward and live in Middle Cambridge. We drove over to the softball fields across the street from Provo High at 7am. The only balloon to take off was the Americana one (far left). It was too windy by the time the other balloons inflated. They simply reached their full capacity and then deflated before taking off. My favorite balloon was the Smokey the Bear balloon that almost fell on us while deflating. Another cool one was the piggy bank, complete with quarter on top.
We stayed till 7:45 and then Anneli drove me to work. Anne had work a little bit farther away than us so she drove separately. 

I rocked the red, white, and blue from the 2nd to the 6th. Here I am at work. I think it was nearly nine oclock and still no one had showed up. I am a prompt person. Still waiting for the day when I get my own office key so I do not have to ask the mail girls every morning.

I was going to start eating healthy... but then Irina brought us cocoa truffles from Eastern Europe. Uhm, they were delicious!!!

July 4th

Mom sent my American flag tshirt and I got it just in time. Friday morning I slept in and then walked to University Avenue to see the parade. I walked the parade route to Center and then spent time in Freedom Village after the parade ended. I only saw the last fourth of it, but it was fun.

My favorite float (on the left) because it has a polar bear!! The float behind it was cool too with the giant clock. Other floats included UVU's institute, pagent winners, bands, and the BYU dunk show.
Today was probably the hottest day Provo has had this summer and I was cracking up with everyone complaining about the heat. It was only 90 degrees. I loved finally feeling hot. It just did not seem like summer in London. Provo has some real sun, but it still does not compare to Gilbert. 

Really missing Camden Market. Shopping at these tents is way fun. I almost bought some of the mix for this delicious dip.

Impressive Balloon Art

Left: I want the decorations from this tent just as much as I want the jewelry.
Right: Elephants <3

Even my swimsuit is patriotic. I came back to Regency just in time for a pool party with some people from the ward. We played toothpicks and I talked to Kristen about books. I think Judy said I wouldn't get any color with my SPF 70 sun block (it was the cheapest), but I think I just missed a burn from my three hours at the pool. Do doubt how white I am.

That night I went over to Craig and Sherri's for a BBQ. Lots of their friends were over. I should have taken a picture of all the food before we ate it. I love America. This holiday is so fun. We lit of fireworks once it got dark, but the real show came from two streets away from whoever was lighting off these excellent illegal ones. America's birthday: eat lots of food and blow stuff up.

July 5th
Lazy Day! 
I slept in, went to another ward pool party, and laid around the apartment. I can't find my journal so that was frustrating. Hopefully it is hiding in the apartment and not in the Chicago airport. 

A few days ago I wanted to eat a mango I bought, but didn't know how to cut it. Evelyn made fun of me as I googled it and then watched a youtube video called Mango 101. When I was halfway through a slimy mess, she told me I should have cut it the Ugandan way. This time I had Evelyn show me how to peel and cut a mango. Both ways make sense, but I will need to practice.
Oliva and Evelyn went shopping with two of Evelyn's friends from Uganda. When they got back they unbraided one of the girl's hair and we all watched Independence Day. It was an appropriate activity for the fifth of July. I hadn't seen it before, but had to explain all the American jokes and references to the girls from Uganda; Air Force One and Area 51. The girls were way funny. I have been teasing Evelyn about not celebrating the 4th of July all week. She thinks our crazy patriotism is a little obnoxious.

My favorite quote of the night: 
"If the world was invaded by aliens everyone would be okay with it. They would probably be happy... because aliens only attack America."

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