Wednesday, July 16, 2014

When I'm Not At Work

July 7th - For FHE we were put into groups and went to have a lesson at a bishopbric member's house. There were about eight of us at the Leichtys'. They gave us dinner too. Not the most exciting FHE, but I feel I am starting to become part of the ward.

Tuesday, July 8th - I have been teaching Evelyn different American card games. Olivia joined in and we played a mad game of Go Fish. It is fun living with international students. We compare food, games, and living in America to other places.

Wednesday, July 9th - I decided to head over to The Wall around 8:30pm to see what karaoke was like.I had only been there a few minutes when Angie ran up. I haven't seen her since early April. Now she is back at Heritage, but as an RA. I sat with her and her friends while we watched the karaoke. I didn't get up and sing, but several of them did. There was a wide range of talent during the night. Several were just purely entertaining. I was surprised how many people were at The Wall. A good percentage of them were kids from the different teen camps at BYU right now.

Thursday, July 10th - Look who I got to see before the mission! Jackson's family was on campus so we had lunch together and roamed around for an hour. He'll be back to BYU in two years. Till then, he we will be serving in Peru. I didn't know Jackson is supposed to report to the Peru MTC, rather than the Provo MTC. I hate missing farewells, but I was so excited to see him again one more time. Watch out Peru! Jackson is comin for ya.

Feeling domestic as I made this casserole. I like cooking, but it takes so long and I'm usually hungry before I begin the process. Even though it lacked a few ingredients, it was still good. I like nights when everyone in the apartment cooks. It gets crazy, smells delicious, and I feel like an adult.

One day I came home to Evelyn sitting on the couch. When she saw me she said, "In the mornings, before I got to work, you guys aren't here... and I get sooooo bored!" I feel the same we. We all sit at a computer for hours just to come home and sometimes sit there. Evelyn and I decided we would do something fun. However, it was raining. After considering for a few minutes, we grabbed umbrellas and went on a walk anyways. Thankfully no one slipped. We even passed by a rain dance party. If we had different outfits we might have partied with the strangers.

Friday, July 11th- It's free Slurpee day! After work, Rachel came over and then we walked to 7/11. We beat the rush and didn't have to stand in line too long. *Victory Dance*

After drinking our Slurpees and playing games in the apartment, Rachel and I went to the new exhibit opening at the MOA. So many cool costumes from movies! My favorite was probably the pink dress from Phantom of the Opera. I want to go back and look at all the outfits again when it isn't as crowded. The night was themed Hollywood so lots of people dressed up. I was silly and read the invitation wrong. Rachel and I almost went dressed up as pirates. Good thing we caught the miscommunication before showing up at the classy event in eye patches. 

When it finally got dark there was an outdoor movie. It has been years since I have seen Pirates of the Caribbean. It is such a great movie. It made me want to watch them all again. Rachel and I agreed it wouldn't be as fantastic without Johnny Depp.  

Saturday, July 12th - It's grocery time again. After we made our normal trip to Macy's, Olivia and Evelyn wanted to go to Rancho Market. It is Mexican grocery store that seems similar to Food City. Now that I think about it though, I don't know if I have been in a Food City. Olivia and Evelyn were buying plantains and I decided to get avocados. I have never has a plantain before. They are in the banana family (bananas have a whole food family?!?! I live under a rock), but you cook them before you eat them. It must be more popular in Uganda. 

P.S. I got a postcard from Malibu! I sent Brianna a postcard weeks ago from London. It took her postcard just a day or two to get to me in Provo. The funny thing is, we received them on the same day. I love mail so much. I also love comment on my blog, but mostly mail.
*Wink Wink*

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