Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Her Royal Majesty

May 13th
It's been a week since I've been in London. Oh my goodness! I wake up almost every morning and think, "There is no way today is going to top yesterday. It will probably be lame." I have not been right yet.
Tracy, Justyne, Chelsea, Me, and Sarah
Our first stop today was the British Library. The special collections room blew my mind. We saw Jane Austen's writing desk, letters from Queen Elizabeth, the Tudor bible, copies of the Magna Carte, and so much more. Some documents dated back to the third century. Can you believe it? The English majors were going crazy, but I loved it too.

Walking out of museum is one sick hotel. All buildings in London are great. I would not mind staying there though.

King's Cross Station!!

It. Is. Real. Childhood complete. There was a long line to take pictures with the platform, so Dallin, Jace, Sarah, and I took off. We did not leave without taking a peak in the store around the corner though. Can someone please take me to Florida after London???

Sarah picking out a wand. The selection was not as complete as Olivander's, but it will do.

Street of London, here we come!!

Well there ya go. This was a hidden gem while we tried to find Borough Market again.

Picking what to have for lunch is always hard. Today I settled with bourekas? and humas. Dallin and Sarah got frankwurst and Jace had a chicken wrap. So much good food, so little time.

It was raining at Borough, but shops were still up. I have finally gotten use to the rain.

Since it was a week day, lots of stores were closed and there was much more room to sit. This garden room resides near the middle of the market and is a free place to sit down. Most places we buy food from charge you extra to sit. It is a smart fix to a big problem.

Look how empty it is. You could actually hear each other and the guitarist down the way.

Coming back for one of these. This dessert stand has become a favorite with our whole study abroad group.

This cookie was huge. Dallin and I split it. Sure we could have attempted to eat a whole one each, but there is enough sugar running through everyone's system.

We ran over to Leicester Square to see if we could catch a matinee or buy tickets for a show tonight. I already bought tickets for Miss Saigon, but the rest of them were not interested. Nothing looked overly appealing, so we began to wander. This is next to Trafalgar.

We saw the horses again, walked through some kind of stadium, and then into St. James Park. Look at these views. Walking in the park is the best.

We also saw original Van Gogh work during our pop into the National Gallery. As we were deciding on a directional to head after the artwork, an older black man greeted us with "Hakunna Matata" and began to make a bracelet using Jace's finger. Soon everyone, besides Sarah, had a sweet bracelet. We gave him each about a pound since that was what he was after and went on our way. Here we are flaunting out cool souvenirs. 

Mine and Dallin's both were meant to look like the Union Jack. I approve.

Swans and ducks can be seen in the water, stupid pigeons in the air, and squirrels on the ground at all the parks in London. While stopping to look at squirrels, one climbed the post and quickly turned to Dallin. They are aggressive boogers. He stepped back, but just then another squirrel from the ground jumped onto his leg. Freaky!!! He handled it much better than I would have. Totally was ambushed. Here is Jace, who became the squirrel whisper. It does not take much to pretend you have food just out of their reach.

On the cute little bridge in St. James Park.

Once we heard band music, we followed the sound until we reached the guard band. They are good. We watched them march around the yard for two and a half songs. 

Sarah hadn't been to Buckingham yet, so we headed that way. Can someone please tell me why the guards aren't on the outside of the gate to take pictures with me? I would also like and explanation of what their little houses are. Strange things.

My face for tourists who don't let me take pictures at the gates. Excuse me miss, I was definitely here before all of you.

My future house???

Why don't we have more statues?

Everyone else made a wish in the fountain outside of Buckingham. I suggested Sarah wish to meet someone famous. I'm not sure what she decided on. Wishing in this fountain seems pretty legit though.

For Jenni

Wishing in the fountain is legit because a few minutes after the wishes were done we started to walk away. We were more than halfway to the road when the gates opened up. Two little cars started. They looked very similar taxis. We started to joke about which VP could be in such a nondescript car. We thought it would be some staff or an adviser. We went into the shock. The Queen and her driver pulled out with the other car trailing behind them. She was dressed causally and there was nothing fancy about this car. We saw her plain as day. She waved to us. We waved back. Just like that, she was gone before we could snap a picture. It was crazy. WE SAW THE QUEEN!!! Jace revealed his wish was to see a famous person. I'm not sure how much more famous you can get. Jace is one lucky kid.

Come with me, to the Emerald City.

I don't know what this is. The Roman influence on London is so fun though.

Go Australia. The country started as convicts has its own memorial. America, on the other hand, is not mentioned anywhere. Literally, I have not seen the U.S.A. anywhere.

Jace having to use a map. He shielded it from view as we tried to take a pic. It is apparently embarrassing to look like a tourist.

I convinced everyone to ride a bus. We picked one that looked like it was going in the general direction of our flats and then headed to the top. We road around for awhile enjoying London and making bad jokes. We disembarked at tube stop. Jace and Sarah went grocery shopping. Dallin and I went home. It was fulfilling adventure.

London through the eyes of a double decker. Don't squish the people!

Hadley's, a giant department store that I apparently need to go to.

The top of the bus all to ourselves... for a few stops at least.

Later that evening we went to Miss Saigon. The show was very well done. I was blown away by the whole cast. I especially loved the two leads and the second wife. I recommend it with caution. There were several scenes that I felt crossed a line or two. George felt bad taking us to this one. It was not a program trip. We bought our own tickets, but he was the middle man. Mostly strong PG-13 vibes, with a little R. The tragic reality is that these instances happen in real life. It was the most emotional I have been at a show on this trip. I still didn't cry though. Wonderful music, tragic situation, too much promiscuity. Welcome to theatre. 

I like hanging around these kids. Jennifer told me a few days ago I look like Anna Popplewell and today McKenzie and Amy told me I look like Jennifer Goodwin. Both weren't meant as a compliment and I'll take it. I think both of those women are both successful and pretty.

Leslie, George's wife, had a picture to show us before the show began. It was of someone she had seen in the lobby. It was Sir Ian McKellen. Sir Ian!!!!!! He saw the same show I did!!! What? Jessa and Jennifer wandered around in the lobby all during interval and finally saw him. What a crazy day. This one really can't be topped, right?

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog as it brings me back to so many wonderful memories! AND you saw the Queen??? How awesome is that. Never had a squirrel attack me though. ABSOLUTELY love the British Library. Could spend hours and hours there. Have fun..... you are I am sure! Maridee Brown
