Saturday, April 19, 2014

Jenni's Birthday

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! The parties at work just don't stop. Why should they? Here are the delicious sugar cookies I made for our Saint Patrick's Day party with Processing. Madi brought frosting in to go with them. A full-timer at work brought in very similar cookies that looked much prettier, but they weren't nearly as good as ours. Don't let looks deceive!

We called Jenni's parents to find some fun treat for Jenni's birthday. Her dad said that every year when Jenni was little she would ask for cereal for dinner and her parents would never get it. Being the fabulous roommates we are, we bought her Lucky Charms and all ate that for her birthday dinner.

I picked out this box special for Jenni because Lucky had crazy eyes on the front. We took our sharpie and gave him crazy eyes on the rest of the box. Little more sinister than a family cereal should be.

Haha got it. Jenni didn't notice for at least an hour. I'm not even sure what the sticky said.

Hiding from my roommates underneath the kitchen counter. Sometimes Marie and Jenni go crazy and start throwing things at each other. It's joke fighting, but I still end up in the middle of it most days. They're wonderful, except when Jenni pretends to pull out a knife. ;)

Wonderful idea by Joe Anderson for Bishop's gift. He got the whole war to sign it and then gave it to Bishop the next time he spoke in church. It was pretty funny. Joe even announced Bishop's secret from the pulpit, he's Batman.

Spring at last! Spring at last! Thank God almighty, it's spring at last!
Winter was beautiful and I liked it much more than I thought I would. Seeing the daffodils brought on this wave of freedom though. It is finally spring. We won't drop below 40 now or suffer spontaneous snow storms. These flowers remind me of Mom. I'm not sure if they really are her favorite, but they are in my mind. A few years back she was teaching an Easter lesson in Young Women and pointed out the daffodils in the painting of Christ talking to Mary outside the tomb.

On March 14th Jenni and Marie embarked on a quest to see the cast of their favorite tv show. Supernatural was having a convention in Las Vegas. They drove down with Marie's old friend, Holly, and were able to listen to panels from various people that work on the show, take pictures with props, shop for fandom trinkets, and much more I'm sure. Due to an extremely kind stranger, Holly was able to meet Misha Collins. They came back with anti-possession henna tattoos and Marie had lost her voice from screaming over Jensen Ackles. College is great. 

1 comment:

  1. Daffodils are one of my favorite - and hey someone actually listened to one of my YW lessons :)
