Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Red Velvet Cake

I'm not the biggest fan of red velvet cake. Sure I'll eat it, cake is cake. However, I prefer chocolate or even vanilla. Red velvet cake seems a little suspicious.
Jenni, on the other hand, loves red velvet cake. She said that every year for her birthday she wishes there was a way to make green, red velvet cake. Hasn't been accomplished yet, to my knowledge. 
I don't know where this cake mix came from, but suddenly Melissa wanted to make it. Her real goal was to make a fancy three layered cake. We spent the afternoon walking through the hall asking for cake pans. Success. We found three that were similar enough in size that we baked a three layer cake.

Melissa was out and about when Marie and I couldn't stand it any longer, we had to frost the cake. Melissa's one condition is that it turn out classy. 

Anna Sue came to borrow/return something and decided to stay for our baking night. She has a whirley pop. I love whirley pops. We called Sister Stock from back home and got her recipe for cinnabun popcorn. The specialty popcorn was a little labor intensive, but it was delicious. The bowl was empty again in no time.

After the cake and popcorn were done we watched "Once Upon a Time" with Jenni. Melissa made it back just as the home teachers arrived since she rescheduled with them. The first two times our home teachers visited us this semester we were having parties. Therefore, they now expect a party to begin when they come over. We don't disappoint. 

Several other girls in the hall were home taught while eating our cake and popcorn. Here's Marie cutting it like a pro.

March 23rd

Not that we have a super popular or partying apartment, but late night pillow talks and other shenanigans usually happen in mine and Marie's room. This masterpiece on the batman board stayed up for weeks. Roommates would erase the words and create their own meme with the sketch of Boromir emphasizing the importance of the script. I love Marie. Who else can do this with a giant expo marker?!

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