Monday, May 5, 2014

Andy Grammer Live

April 14th - We're in a bush. It happens to be the second to last day of school and the last FHE. A classic game of sardines is happening in the quad. Jenni and I scouted out sardine in a large clump of bushes next to the Creamery Outlet. Here we played QuizUp and whispered to our fellow fish. This bush was actually the hiding place for two rounds of our seeking game. Some people are so unoriginal. ;)

It was a pretty good place, no?

Cory and Drew in a tree. I wish I could scale trees like some people can. They went as high as was safe into the tree and then back down to play catch while the rest of us played this balance game while waiting for Melissa to hide.

The stinker hid out of bounds. In her defense, she came late and didn't know the boundaries. We ended up texting her for clues to finally find her place of refuge. Poor Adam couldn't find us even when she sat on top of the giant wall. At least she didn't turn into a humpty dumpty situation. Sardines is great. Frustrating, but still very entertaining.

April 15th 
Classes are over! Melissa and I went to the Andy Grammer Concert on campus. What a riot. It was so fun. I also love this picture of us. 

He is great live. I like his music even more now and am so excited for the new album.

Lastly, a little bragging moment. Finals are upon us and the heat has been switched on. I bought the girls I visit teach this treat and dropped them off with some cookies with Pamela when no one had enough time for a lesson. Honestly, I prefer the cookies and Powerade to a lesson most days. I hope they thought it was half as cool as I did. Visiting Teaching sure has been an experience. Almost like a permanent YCL, but for someone your age. Weird. I've got time to get use to it though.
A random text from Kiri led me to a night of adventures Northwest of campus. We spent the evening with some RMs at a bacon party. It was as different as it sounds, but lots of fun. It made me even more ready to live off campus. Afterwards, Kiri came over and made peanut butter cookies with Marie and I. My mom sent up a huge container of peanut butter and we've been trying to burn through it. These cookies were sprinkled with brown sugar instead of regular sugar due to lack of supplies. They were just as good. I think Kiri was astounded at the number of cookies Marie and I can put down. We. Love. Food.

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