Thursday, May 1, 2014

Minute to Win It

March 26th
Tanner's Birthday!
No one could think of a great inside joke with Tanner to theme the birthday off of, but we know he likes sports. We decided to have an Olympics/minute to win it party! The games included moving m&ms from a bowl to a cup, chubby bunny, stacking three golf balls, and moving a cookie from your forehead to your mouth. Everyone in the office played. The afternoon crowd played the first day and the morning people played the second. I was making up work from judging the science fair so I got to see both heats. 

Mikayla trying to stack the infamous third golf ball. We probably spent more time than we should have trying to stack all three balls. It seemed pretty impossible. I gave up after sixty seconds and checked my email. I had just gotten a Ymessage informing me I was being awarded the full tuition scholarship for spring/summer semester. So excited!!! I announced it to the office and Ben said, "We would be more impressed if you could stack three gold balls." haha Seriously though.

March 27th
This Bingo card wasn't a fun party game. Since we joined OneStop we have to go through the same training as their employees. The problem is, none of their procedures apply to us at all. It was sort of a pain to look up all the answers to questions we really don't need to know, but after working together, all of the morning staff got a blackout. That means we get a candy bar and a Jamba Juice.

And then Madi did it. Three golf balls. They aren't leaning up against the cubicle wall. We sent this picture to Ben and he said, "I'll be impressed when you stack five." There's no pleasing him. Everyone in the morning was pretty impressed. :)

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