Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dillon's & Joells's Bid Day

There are two posts for the last weekend of April. The first is wedding pictures from Jollon’s wedding. (Pronounced Jo-lin, but I feel the other spelling is more appropriate based on how names are actually spelled. It’s what we called Dillon and Joelle all year.) The second is all the in between activities we did while waiting for more wedding stuff to happen. So here we go!

Marie, Me, and Melissa waiting for Joelle and Dillon to come out of the St. George temple. We were so paranoid we were going to miss them. Thankfully we were plenty early. Melissa started crying the moment they came out of the temple. Weddings are great.

Mr. & Mrs. Brown

Group pictures started with everyone, then family, friends, roommates, bridesmaids, etc. We left after this one. I love how her colors turned out. Being at the wedding was like watching Joelle’s pinterest board come to life.

The St. George Temple. It’s definitely old and very different than most other temples. Not my favorite, but it is pretty. This was around the time we started celebrating that it hadn’t rained and didn’t look like it would. Despite what the weather man told us, there was no rain all evening. Prayer is real.

Mosst of the wedding cakes were red velvet, but this one was white, just in case it got all over Joelle's dress when they cut the cake. Genius. She thinks of everything.

Her backyard was perfect for the reception. Not too big, but they utilized the space well and made everything look very classy. Like I said, pinterest board come to life.

They were probably the cutest couple cutting the cake that I’ve ever seen.

Marie, Me, Joelle, and Melissa. Her princess dress though. She found it in one afternoon. Gorgeous. 

Mason jars usually aren’t my thing, but these look like they’re holding fairies! The darker it got, the brighter they shined. I almost asked for one of those pitchers with the roses too. Talk about class. I didn’t have anywhere to even put it. I wanted it though.

Those are my wedding pictures. Dillon and Joelle left for Hawaii that night. They’re spending two weeks there and then moving up to their new apartment in Provo. Hopefully they let us come party with them a lot. They are so much fun.

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