Wednesday, May 21, 2014

First Folio

May 21st
This morning we had class. Two papers were due beforehand. The second one I fell asleep writing early in the morning and submitted. I just read it over now and there were four typos and weak, choppy arguments in two of the body paragraphs. It could have been much worse though. I'm not sure why we are writing papers in London when we could be doing so much more. Brett and George do not give into our pleas for pity.

Brett's class was a cut a little short today for an impromptu field trip to the Guildhall Library. There we saw Shakespeare's first folio. A folio is a collection of work. This book that we saw was the original publication of almost all of Shakespeare's plays in one text. The book was four hundred year old.

Right across the square from the library is the remains of the Roman Coliseum from when Romans occupied Britain around 70AD. Talk about original Hunger Games.

Here it is. I can't believe it is real. Watching people being slaughtered for fun seems too horrible to be true. It was a large part of the culture then. I feel so blessed to be alive at this time. My biggest problems are not having enough money to do everything in London and not having enough time to take all the fun credits I want at BYU. I hope I don't ever have to worry about battling it out for my life.

Valerie asked what the tube looks like. I couldn't get a good pick, but I'll keep trying without looking creepy.

Look what I found!!!! Goldfish at last! I hope they are good. Sarah and I went to Sainsbury after the field trip for some groceries. Warning: Do NOT shop while hungry or with people other than my loving healthy roommate back home. Sarah and I bought a ridiculous amount of chocolate.

I couldn't get a hold of any cookie dough. I just want to make cookies, but we rarely have time and that would take a lot of ingredients. I forgot that cookies isn't a word here. They are biscuits! That might have been one of the reasons the store employees were so confused when I asked for their help. I tried to explain cookie dough, but they had no idea. Must be a states thing. I had the Minstrels. If M&Ms and Cadbury Eggs had a baby it would be Galaxy Minstrels. They were so-so. The double chocolate Digestives were sooooooooooo good though. I ate three fourths of the sleeve in one sitting. More poor life choices, I know. I just couldn't stop.

Here is a picture of the overground we took to the Alcoa Theatre. It is pretty similar to the tube, so here ya go Valerie. It is extremely empty in the picture. Usually you are standing within a few inches a complete stranger and gripping the bar for dear life.

The Alcoa Theatre is kind of a sketchy place. It was in Zone Two in Dalston Square. George told us everything would be cheap here, but it also closed very early.Lots of the girls ended up eating dinner at McDonald's and then hanging out in the lobby of the theatre since we were there early. This picture gives you good fell of what the whole area was like. It was the stairwell down to the bathroom a the theatre. We saw Waiting for Godot. It was fine. I was hoping it would be funnier, but the more modern approach was fresh.

Two transfers later and we're back at the flat. I'm up past 1am again now. I don't like this habit. Hopefully I start getting to sleep earlier. There are just too many things to do and people to talk to. 

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