Wednesday, June 11, 2014


June 9th 
I may or may not have left my phone cord in the Hyde Park Chapel during class and had to go back to get it after lunch. I found it no problem once I got there and talked to the cute elders for a little while too. They were from Spain and Dallas. 

I settled on cycling through the parks for my afternoon activity. I took the tube to Green Park and, with the assistance from two different strangers, I procured a Barclay public bike for rent. I paid for two hours on the bicycle. It was a little difficult finding a path I was allowed to cycle on at first. I didn't want a sixty pounds fine for crossing the, "walk only" paths and BYU Study Abroad rules state we cannot be on the road. I cycled up and down Constitution Hill at Green Park, around St. James, next to Buckingham Palace, and then the extensive paths of Hyde Park. At St. James this foot guard was giving information about the trouping of the colors. A soldier at last! He was too nice to take a picture with me. Mission Complete.

St. James Park
I love all of the parks. While cycling I created the list of my most favorite to least favorite.This is in the kindest way possible since they are all wonderful.
Regents Park, Hyde Park, St. James Park, Kew Gardens, and Green Park.

I feel a little silly about this story through selfies. I didn't have anyone to snap pictures of me while riding. It accurately describes my journey.
1. The busy parks were great to ride through. I highly recommend it. I think I should be on the front of a tourist magazine with my Union Jack sunglasses and giant grin while riding around on a public bike. It's too perfect.
2. The bike was heavy and a little cumbersome, but I worked out the different gears and breaks. I live for the small hills you start to go down without warning.
3. Making a wish in the fountain in front of Buckingham. One for Marie and one for me. I didn't see the queen again, but hopefully Jace's good luck rubbed off and the wishes will come true.
4. I finally tried the soft serve ice cream with a flake bar. It is a classic. Soft serve is the majority of ice cream sold here. After two hours of biking I think I deserved it.

I haven't been to this side of Hyde before!! I like it. To the flake bar on top of my ice cream, twirl is better.

Jumped on the bandwagon to pick a tree and lie under it for awhile. I was paranoid over an incredibly brave squirrel and changed trees before journal writing.

The Marble Arch of Marble Arch tube stop.

I bought tickets to a play around 6:30pm. That left me lots of time to kill in the West End. I ate a sandwich in Trafalgar Square until it started to rain. There was a group of people assembled in front of the Odeon so I went to see what was up. I have no idea what this movie is about, but I ended up at the red carpet premier. Not too exciting.I was hoping some real star power would hit the carpet, but no one I recognized was anywhere to be seen.

Peanut Butter Mix sounds like a cop out for not being able to define me as one M&M. Still trying to kill time before the show.

Twelve Angry Men is an American drama. I was very impressed by the actors. I prefer comedy though. I go to the theatre more to be entertained than to think usually. Still, this show was powerful. It's always nice to watch a show you can enjoy rather than write a paper on.

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