Monday, June 16, 2014


June 12th
Morning number two at our b&b. It would have been perfect if the curtains in our bedroom were just a bit darker. I think it started to get light outside around 5:30. We were still able to sleep till 7:30 though. 
Left: Our room. Chelsea's is against the wall on with the door (to the right). The bathroom was just to the left of my bed (with the computer and backpack on it).
Right: Chelsea and Sarah ready for breakfast.
I think I may have liked breakfast better the first day. It was all the same stuff, but I did get hot chocolate on the second day! Delicious. The old man came in and chatted with us about the shows we saw and places we would be seeing that day too. He was so nice. 

We don't know what this was at the Anne Hathaway cottage. It reminded me of the Dreamworks' moon.

All pictures from the Hathaway cottage. It was a cute place.

It is official, I am getting one of these vine tunnels.

Hey look, I'm Rapunzel!

We all pulled out our cameras to take a cool pic of the music notes. Sarah was asked to move out of the way....

The laurel bush. Shout out to all my laurels back home that are now in Relief Society with me. Goodness we're old. I heard that in Anne Hathaway's garden the Trust has planted every single flower mentioned in a Shakespeare play.

There was a big circle.

Following this path to the lavender "maze."

Going on an adventurous nature walk through the random woods behind the garden. We were a little nervous we would miss the bus back since the end was not insight after ten minutes. Never fear, we were not left at the cottage.

One of my new favorite quotes. Almost bought the magnet. I just didn't know if I would keep it or give it to my parents.

Next Stop: Mary Arden Farm! This was really a farm. I didn't think it would be. Look at the pig! It has curly blonde hair.
Besides the normal farm animals, this farm also had falcons, owls, and ferrets. 

I don't think I was supposed to pick up this hat....

Exploring the second story of the farm house. We actually didn't know if we were allowed up here, but since we found a class of children learning about the historical significance of the farm, we deemed it okay. .... Why is this door so short?

Mama Leslie has an amazing talent. Since she grew up going to a turkey farm every summer, she can impersonate animal sounds. Most of them are just okay, but her turkey is fantastic!!! She really did have a conversation with the turkey. We were cracking up. The little kids walking by gave her the strangest looks.

Another falconry show. This one didn't have any falcons either. We met two owls. The first one, Millie, was a cute white owl that was rather small. This great barn owl refused to fly a few times and then landed on a guy our age in the audience. What a troublemaker.

Bunnies and goats. If I had a pet, it would be a big bunny. So cute.

More people dressed in period clothing. Just chillin like nothing is weird. I love it.
This was another day of too many pictures for one post. The rest will be its own blog post.

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