Monday, June 2, 2014

Not Enough Time in Bath

Our last stop on May 29th was the city of Bath in Somerset. This ancient city was GORGEOUS! I want to spend at least a weekend here. Our brief hour was not enough time. I was heartbroken the Roman Baths had already closed for the day. Another reason to return. Here are some pictures from all the things we saw while running around like crazy people trying to see the city. 
Jane Austen's home. She lived in number four and we were told she did not enjoy her the four or five years she was there. Apparently the society was too patriarchal for Jane Austen. Bath is mentioned in all of her books though and I think she wrote two while she lived there. It couldn't be that bad, right?

The two pictures on the right are a cathedral that are right next to the Roman baths. As you can see, the whole city was wonderful.

Mr. Darcy and a purple gate.

BUT WAIT! They filmed here!!!!!

I actually really don't want to leave... Justyne had to practically drag me back to the bus. She was probably tired of the verbal list I made of everything we could do in Bath if we had an unlimited amount of time (and money, of course).

This is the Assembly Hall. You know, where they would have balls back in Jane Austen's day.

Literally, this is what it looked like around every corner.

Justyne and I chillin by the river after the nice guys at Garfunkel let us use their toilet. We say toilet here, not restroom. England....

Driving back was atrocious. The traffic was awful leaving the city. We did see a large estate outside of the city that I would happily claim as my own. Ross told us the story about a celebrity that use to live there and throw wild parties. The British Gatsby Bash? Sold. The view of Bath on the hill while you drive out is breathtaking. I must find a good picture.

I'll have to go through facebook and steal some of Tracy's excellent pictures. She always has her camera at the ready. That is the end of our coach tour around England. It was a day well spent. Sarah has a vlog up about Ireland if you really want to look into more of my London Life. If you have the time you can follow the link I posted earlier to her channel or look it up via facebook.

I am the sun. Or the anti-rain. Justyne and I realized that where ever we go, the area is blessed with beautiful weather. Our whole program has been extremely dry for London. It did rain in London when we went to Dublin. Dublin was all blue skies though. It started raining the day we left. Lacock started to rain the moment we got on the bus for Bath. Bath's weather was crummy till we put the coach in park. As you can see from the pictures, it was as sunny as can be. You are welcome London. Our super power is here for you to enjoy the early summer months.

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