Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Last Night

June 18th Continued
I was not thrilled to leave London. Knowing I had less than twenty-four hours left was heartbreaking. I set out one last time to see the city at night.
Leicester Square. Can you have too much West End? I saw most of the shows I wanted to, but you can always see more. I sat on some grass next to the Shakespeare statue for almost an hour, just taking in the scene.

Goodbye to the National Gallery and Trafalgar Square.
There was a stage being set up as I left. Supposedly all the big musicals are performing a free concert this weekend. Why do I have to leave?

Platform 9 3/4. A trip over to King's Cross just to see the barrier again was worth it. The Harry Potter books was a huge part of my childhood. I think this is the closest I will ever get to Hogwarts. London is truly magical.

Walking past Borough Market and the London Bridge I went under this tunnel full of lights. Too cute to pass up a picture.

Enjoying the view from South Bank and the Globe Theatre. I walked across Millennial Bridge for the last time after this picture. 

I felt insanely poetic with this journey. The first night I was i n London I went to St. Paul's, crossed the river on Millennial Bridge, and walked down the river to the Globe. On my last night in London I started at the Globe, walked across the bridge, and then sat on the steps of St. Paul's.

This snapchat pretty much says it all.

I cannot find the words to describe all the emotions I felt while sitting on those steps. Finally it was a sense of peace. I knew I was coming home whether I wanted to or not. I love BYU. It is a great place. I just happen to love London more. I did not think I would feel so at home in this big city, in a different country, an ocean away. I cannot wait to return to London whether as a more permanent resident or just for a visit. If home is where the heart is, my home is London.

Just to prove that I should not be returning back to the states. There are shows coming that I want to see! Break a leg Martin Freeman.

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